Your one stop for everything comedy

Srijan Kaushik


Srijan’s identity crisis is rooted in his upbringing. He was born in Delhi, grew up in Rajasthan, studied in Gujarat and worked in Bangalore. As a single child, raised in a dysfunctional joint family, he had an ideal environment to derive his humour from. Despite life offering a lot of different scenarios, he still found time to be mundane, as he pursued the dreams of his parents and did his engineering and MBA.

When he is not writing or performing, he can be found procrastinating, day dreaming, getting intimidated by social media; or dreading potential upcoming visits to his doctor (Yes, he has aged; he has a ‘doctor’ now)

Language: English and Hindi | Based out of: New Delhi

Performed at: Bengaluru Comedy Festival, Mumbai Comedy Festival, Delhi Comedy Festival, Democracy Wall b The Print and for corporates like E&Y, McKinsey and Airtel